• Nannying,  Uncategorized

    DIY Bingo Game for PreSchoolers

    Sometimes when you’re watching kids, do ever just really want to play a game? That happened to me last week. I was tired of dolls and coloring… all I wanted to do was play BINGO! Insert problems here: 1. The standard rules of BINGO are a bit complex for three year old’s; and 2. We didn’t have any BINGO boards around the house. So I decided to take matters into my own hands. Luckily, we have this box filled with game mysterious game pieces. And since no one knows what the game pieces actually go to, we are free to use them however and whenever we want. As a side…

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    Letter Hunt

    The last time Sean and I went home, he got involved in a very serious Letter Hunt with my four-year old niece. For those of you who have never been on a letter hunt before, it’s quite simple. All you do is walk around your home or wherever you are, looking for as many letters as you can. You will be surprised at how quickly your  little chickies can find their letters & how much harder it seems for you you. Inspired by my niece, Sean and I went out on a Letter Hunt of our own on our last hike. For now the reason behind our letter hike is…