Michigan Living

Life at 29 Weeks

IMG_5373I have some ten weeks before this child dances its way from my belly. From where I sit now, it is easy to imagine this child dancing and squirming its way to the light, all the while continue its rhythmic beats through labor. I suppose there is no way of making these predictions, but a maternity book I am reading said I should begin to imagine the labor I want. Naturally, I can only hope for such a harmonious celebration. All week this babe has been growing and exploring its home, striking at my lowest ribs like a xylophone, kicking once and punching twice, kicking once and punching twice, then stretching its head to hear the vibrations it is creating inside.

IMG_5351Now that I feel it is safe  to begin looking towards the end of this journey, the time passes quickly.  My days are filled with projects and big ideas that I must break apart carefully like the squares of graham crackers, leaving residual crumbs to pick up along the way. Always there is one more thing to do, one last morsel to complete. I have reached a creative peak in my job and have taken on a project bigger than anything I have done before. I am inspired to work harder each day to complete what I have begun, to pass it on to those around me and far away, too. I think of something I wrote earlier this week, “No movement ever began without first taking action.” I am ready at last to put my ideas into motion.
IMG_5374This afternoon, I noticed that the corn in the fields by my friend’s home has begun to pop from the soil. Simultaneously, the wind fanned their thousands of leaves hyponotizing me from the driver’s seat. I couldn’t look away and so I stopped my car on the side of the road to watch for a moment or two. There was no traffic to distract me- no passengers to question. The power lines caged the farmers property and reminded me that life has not always been like this: we haven’t always had instant access to all of our wants or needs or questions. I saw a text come through from my husband, wondering if I was okay. My visit to see the new baby and my old friend had taken longer than I expected. I rolled up the windows in my car and drove home.

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