
Radio Silence

My friend, Tommy, sent a podcast for me to listen to about sons + fathers. Something about it, he said, always reminds me of you, and I’m not sure why, but you need to listen to it. Taking his advice, I held onto the podcast for a week, hoarding it like leftover Halloween candy in the back of my cupboards, waiting for just the right moment. On a Thursday evening, as I drove home in the rain from Trader Joe’s, I finally pressed play. As I listened to it I thought, this reminds me of me, too, but like Tommy, I wasn’t sure why.

Isn’t it nice to have friends who get the essence of you so deeply?

Last week I bought a new headboard from IKEA. I drove two hours to get it and two hours to bring it home, just to discover that I only purchased half of it. All I could do was laugh. I told Sean I was going to give myself some grace with this folly, then I went online and ordered the rest of it.

The longer I parent a toddler, the more okay I become with being okay.

Tonight we had coconut rice + tofu for dinner, or as June calls it, “fofu”. When I told her what I was making, she started chanting and clapping her hands. Of all the meals I make, “fofu” is her favorite. At the table, she carefully spoons it onto each of our plates, always making sure to put more onto her own plate than she does on mine and Sean’s. When we told Sean’s brother this story, he called her a “crunchie hippie”.

We can only hope for the best. The world needs some radical crunchy hippies right now.

Sometimes I read the newspaper online feeling like everything is collapsing into rubble. It is always more than I can handle and I quickly turn off my phone choking on the heavy dust particles that these words have left behind. On these days, June gets extra kisses as we lay on the daybed reading Curious George for the hundredth time.

Good always has a way of showing up, if you slow down enough to notice.

I haven’t felt much like writing lately. I’ve been uninspired and slightly depressed (if I’m being honest). But, I’m taking the weekend away to visit an old friend, hopeful that a break in my routine will provide some sort of refreshment in my life. I am beyond grateful for a husband who just says, “go.” What would I ever do without him?

Have a great weekend, all! Hopefully, the sun comes out soon!

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