
Winter Scenes

Winter is in full swing here in Northern Michigan: white trees heavy with snow, slippery roads with longer travel times, and the most honest telltale sign of winter there is, pent up, wild children having tantrums in the mall. I had forgotten the feeling of “the lockdown” when the roads are too bad to leave your house. It becomes hard not to feel like a prisoner to these snow filled days.

But I am grateful for the snow this year. As a family, we are trying hard to embrace this season. Sean keeps running outside despite the piling snow on the paths. June loves ice skating and trying her cross-country skis. And truthfully, the snow is a comfort for my anxieties about climate change. It reminds me to embrace the present for what it is rather than wishing it away for the springtime. I think of winters to come and stop myself. Perhaps the only winter that matters is this one, today.


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