
  • Blogging

    5 Things Your Blog is Saying About You

    It seems everyone around you keeps telling you to start a blog on your business website. But, you just don’t know what you want to say when you’re writing in it. So, you decided to go ahead and throw up some content on your blog and call it good. After all, sometimes done, is better than not. And while, yes, anything can be better than nothing, it’s important to remember that your business blog says a lot of things about you and your business. So, before you just throw some content up there, consider what your business blog is actually saying about your business. #1 Your Business Blog is Telling…

  • Blogging

    How Thinking Like a Child Improved My Professional Writing

    As children, we didn’t have filters. We would act first and consider second. It was a powerful time of growth and development and most of all, learning. As children we learned without intent. In fact, it was our accidental stumbling upon lessons that kept us challenged and yearning for more. We were fearless, were we not? And more than that, we were completely unafraid to express ourselves despite the consequences. What happened to that, I wonder? Why, as adults, do we put up walls? Why do we consider first and act second? I’ve been thinking about the process of writing a lot lately. Mostly, I’ve been wondering what it is…

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  • Blogging,  content writing

    3 Ways to Create Content People Actually Want to Share

    We all want people to share the content we are producing, yes? After all, the more people that share our content, the more our brand spreads. But, it’s hard to know how to we create quality content that people actually want to share. How can we take content that’s good to content that is so good it’s shared? To understand how to create this content, we need to first understand why people are sharing content. From there we can determine which types of material become most effective in targeting these people. Below I have compiled a list of tips and tricks for creating effective content that best targets your audience.…

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  • Blogging

    Why I Write with a Pen

    I was writing my blog post when, mid-sentence, a notification from my Facebook popped up. I had to check it, just really quickly. I went back to writing my blog post when, five minutes later, Google dinged. My husband had sent me an email. I just had to check it. It wouldn’t take long. I made it to my third paragraph when I received a notification from Pinterest. My sister had re-pinned my pin. I had to check what board she put it on. It would only take a minute. I thought I was the Queen of Multi-Tasking, but it turns out I was just wasting my time. Unfortunately, because…

  • Blogging

    4 Habits that Will Change the Way You Blog in 2015

    Writing in your business blog is an awesome way to generate sales, organize your leads and grow your email list. But, if you don’t maintain it regularly, then none of those things can actually happen. That’s why it’s so imperative that you, as the business owner, make writing in your blog a priority. Below I have posted some of my best tricks for helping business owners stay on task and create healthy habits for writing. 1. Dedicate a Certain Time Everyday to Writing Writing is a practice. Like running or yoga, you may never master this art form. But what you can do is practice, practice, practice. I can guarantee,…

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