
Encyclopedia Set

Remember Encyclopedias? They’re dinosaurs now, for sure, long buried with the influx of technology. But, it seems like when I was younger, everyone had them.  All my friends’ families had them. Our school libraries had them. Our classrooms had them. I remember asking my teacher a question and her telling me to “look it up.” I remember sitting at the dinner table and passing around the D Encyclopedia to look up different breeds of dogs. I remember laying on the floor and looking at pictures in them long before I could understand the content. And so, it was all of these memories that came flooding back to me a few Fridays ago as we sat visiting with Sean’s grandma, watching the Tigers game and eating dessert, when she turned to Sean and offered for him to take her Encyclopedia set with us. But before we loaded them up in the car, I pulled the D Encyclopedia off the shelf and began quizzing Sean and grandma, just for remembrance sake. And now that they’re sitting into our apartment, on our library cart, I’m excited to implement these relics into our lives.

encyclo 1encyclo 2encyclo 3Hope your Monday is going well! It’s rainy here, today. Time to curl up on the couch for an early morning reading session with the kids and coffee.

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