
Pouring Salt in the Wound: Easy Ways to Aggravate Your Blog Readers + Increase Sales

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Products don’t sell, solutions do.” Well, it’s true. Potential customers and clients buy things when they know that it is a solid solution for their problem. As you write your content + copy, keep in mind that it is essential that you are able to aggravate your readers. You should always want to enact the emotional side of your reader as early as you possibly can. Aggravation has the powerful ability to stimulate tons of negative emotions and encourage people to take action. Your goal for writing should be:
1. remind customers of their problem, and
2. explain your product is the best solution

As a good rule of thumb, I say:

pour as much salt in the wound as you possibly can!

When in doubt, irritate the problem, irritate the problem, irritate the problem.

But for a lot of us, we struggle without how to write in order to evoke these emotions from our readers. What should you say and what shouldn’t you say? It seems like a fine line to walk. Well, that’s exactly why I’ve put this blog post together!

There are certain phrases that you can use in your writing that help arise emotions in your readers. And to help you out, I’ve created a list of 25 of them. Now, all you have to do is insert these phrases into your writing! So what are you waiting for? Go get the salt and pour it on!

1. Don’t you just hate…
2. It’s always difficult…
3. As a ____, you don’t want…
4. After suffering with…
5. The real problem is…
6. When I sat back to look at the issue, I quickly realized…
7. It wasn’t until _____, that I realized…
8. It’s seriously painful to…
9. I couldn’t believe…
10. Aren’t you tired of…
11. The worst part is…
12. Remember when…
13. Did you ever feel like…
14. If you’re tired of…
15. It wasn’t until ____, that I…
16. If you’re like most people…
17. Unfortunately, for a lot of people, they can no longer afford to…
18. The biggest mistake you can make…
19. The reality is…
20. ________ is no longer an option.
21. Do you feel like you’re being left out in the cold with solutions?
22. Aren’t you tired of…
23. It’s so hard relying on…
24. It’s exhausting thinking about..
25. I just couldn’t deal with the _____ anymore.

If you still have questions about writing for you target audience, be sure that you send me an email today. And if you’re looking for some original ideas to write about in your business blog, be sure to sign up and get my year’s worth of blog prompt ideas. A YEAR OF BLOGGING

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