• Good Things

    10 Good Things Friday

    We can not direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.” -Dolly Parton To combat the negative, here are Ten Good Things from my week… 1. Sean has been bringing me coffee in bed this week. I could definitely get used to that! Since moving to Traverse City, we’ve started buying our coffee from Higher Ground and it’s changed our coffee game, for sure. They’re an amazing company doing wonderful things for this world– go check them out! 2. I started this novel. Like every other novel she’s written, it’s brilliant from the first sentence. 3. We’ve been binging Bus Life NZ again and dreaming of our own tiny…

  • Infertility


    There is a negative pregnancy test sitting on the top of my bathroom trash. Normally, I like to push them to the bottom– to forget about them, to hide them, to keep them from being a reality. But this month, too exhausted and too disheartened, I leave it there. It will go out with the rest of the trash Sean collects on Thursday. I know I shouldn’t leave my pain for him to sweep away, but I do anyway. He wants to know how to be there for me, but he doesn’t realize he already is. All of the little things I once seemed so able to do, he does…

  • Motherhood

    When Parenting Gets Really Hard, Lean In

    It is 7:31 in the morning and she is standing beside my bed. “My green night light went off.  Isn’t that funny?” And then, abruptly, “I’m hungry. I want ‘ogurt.” I haven’t even opened my eyes and already I am needed. Is this every mother’s battle? Or just mine? Her breakfast was made and served before my glasses were on, my face was washed or my coffee was even poured. If you’re wondering if it’s not easy preparing food without your full vision, it’s not. I tried not to turn the TV on this morning. But then I did. A mom I don’t ‘actually’ know on Instagram wrote a post…

  • Infertility

    Greed + Longing, But Mostly Waiting

    I have become a greedy child on Christmas morning waiting for any sign of early pregnancy. Bloating, exhaustion, whatever it might be I will not be picky. Please let me puke this morning, please let me puke. I hastily check the fertility tracking app on my phone several times a day as if it could possibly know something I do not; as if artificial intelligence could predict what doctors cannot explain. When you are battling Infertility desperation becomes a new part of your human nature. I had to turn off my social media this Saturday. Too many babies and pregnant bellies. I am not unhappy or bitter for these people,…

  • Kids Crafts + Activities

    Felt Tacos

    We love tacos around here. So naturally, June needed to make a taco restaurant of her own. Instead of buying something new, I decided to make her a taco kit from some felt we had around the house. It was so simple and easy! I highly recommend this activity for your littles! Order’s Up! **I also made her a little dice with one topping on each side. My idea was to play a “Make Your Own Taco” Game, where you have to roll the dice until your taco is complete. June wasn’t so much into that game, but I’m hopeful that we will play it… eventually.