• Michigan

    Night Hike @ Pyramid Point

    I left the dishes in the sink, the toys covering the living room floor and my latest sewing project spread across the dining room table. The house was a mess, but the mess would be there when we returned. The lure of sunshine on an autumn day in Michigan was too tempting to ignore. As soon as our early dinner was finished, we rushed to one of our favorite hikes at Pyramid Point, hoping to catch the sunset. June was crabby, but we continued anyway. I had forgotten my coat, but we continued anyway. Half way up the trail we realized we had completely missed the sunset, but we continued…

  • parenthood and life

    The Chapter in Which I Rest

    The glow of the morning evoked the nostalgia of Christmas. I opened my shades to find the deadened October grasses crusted with snow. Northern Michigan at its finest. I forgot how quickly the cold consumes you here. But the deep chill returned to me that morning just as the scent of orange soap flips me several chapters back to my grandmother’s bathroom, looking in the mirror on my tiptoes, my wild childhood face reflecting back at me. I shivered and looked at the clock on my phone for orientation; how easily our mind can transport us into memory. I saw myself there, laying in bed as if I were in…

  • Good Things

    10 Good Things Friday

    “Yeah, well, I’ve got a dream, too, but it’s about singing and dancing and making people happy. That’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share it with.” -Kermit the Frog 1. Do you have a friend you talk to every morning? Or is that just me? Anyway, ever since we’ve moved I’ve really been missing my friend… but!! I’m so looking forward to seeing Cher with her and my other two other besties in May. Without wishing time away, it’s safe to say that I am counting down the days! 2. I’m also preparing for my trip to Austin in a few weeks! Where should…

  • Infertility

    A New Kind of Pill

    In my first month on hormone stimulating medication, I became a wild woman. There were hot sweats, cold sweats and a ferocious need to cry. I stayed in a darkened room for three whole days. It was impossible to raise my head from my pillow, to look into the light, to speak to my daughter. My husband filled my void with a giant fort in the basement and freezer pizza. He laid icepacks on my forehead that brought only temporary relief. He kept the lights off when he checked on me. He brought me Tylenol and cold water in a giant mason jar. There should be metals to reward men…

  • Michigan

    A Stormy Trip to Van’s Beach

    The wind had caused chaos for nearly one week, trapping us indoors for longer than we would have liked. It is never easy confining yourself and a busy preschooler in the house. By Friday, we were eager for adventure despite a lowgrade fever and yet another impending thunderstorm. We rushed through dinner, bundled into our warmest gear and drove to Van’s Beach in Leland. With June pressed against me, we wondered over the great lake’s power. Her breath, hot on my face, as she yelled, “We are adventures!” with all the gusto she could manage. The wind carried her message away with the rest of the wave’s leftovers, a hearty…